Reflections 71 to 84


71/ Remove the Cause

4th January 2025

“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?” Charles Bukowski.

You do not know your joy because you do not know your own Self-fullness. Exclude any part of the Kingdom from yourself and you are not whole. (ACIM, T-7.IX.4:2-3)


Lesson 71. Only God’s plan for salvation will work. Yesterday. I’d made a note when reading yesterday’s lesson that my salvation comes from within and not from without, as does my guilt; equally, nothing outside of myself can hurt me or give me peace. Yesterday, I definitely felt that I was looking for peace in the wrong places - in that I was trying to do things instead of letting myself be. Today. In the middle of my right thumb nail is a small bruising that appeared a few weeks ago. I have no idea how it happened but it did develop into the shape of a heart. This made me think that it was a message about self-love. And this was exactly the response I had during my meditation on today’s lesson. I was told that I have to learn to love myself.

The concept of the self stands like a shield, a silent barricade before the truth, and hides it from your sight. All things you see are images, because you look on them as through a barrier that dims your sight and warps your vision, so that you behold nothing with clarity. (ACIM, T-31.VII.7:1-2)

The light is kept from everything we see… this is how the passage above continues. It is a reminder that we are merely minds perceiving shadows.

Truth has no boundaries at all. It sets no limits. The goal of the Workbook is therefore to remove the blocks that prevent the presence of love from becoming apparent in the mind.

A Course in Miracles wants us to fully comprehend that we are all, collectively, the one Son of God. The eight billion bodies on this planet are simply eight billion different fragments of the whole. There is just the one Christ (the Self) and this has absolutely nothing to do with the body at all.

Miracles are therefore needed to remind the mind that we don’t need to suffer. Miracles bring about a temporary suspension of suffering in that they withdraw the limitations that keep us bound.

And the mind becomes healed as we remove the cause that established those limits. It means that the fear of God has gone completely from the mind.


72/ Laughter Is Medicine

5th January 2025

“We have our dreams because without them we could not bear the truth.” Erich Maria Remarque.

Your creation by God is the only Foundation that cannot be shaken, because the light is in it. Your starting point is truth, and you must return to your Beginning. (ACIM, T-3.VII.5:5-6)


Lesson 72. Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation. Yesterday. This was the first time that I felt that I could have done a lesson a little better. The instruction was to repeat the idea 5/6 times an hour. Firstly, there were two hours during the day when I was teaching so that wasn’t going to happen; and secondly, when I remembered, I kept having to dig deep into my pocket to retrieve the note (I couldn’t ever remember what I was was meant to say). I felt that I was failing. Today. This lesson establishes two key points: the body is outside of the mind and the ego gives God all the attributes of itself. The lesson wants us to ask the question, what is salvation? The answer I received was freedom.

Consider what temptation is, and see the real alternatives you choose between. There are but two. Be not deceived by what appears as many choices. There is hell or Heaven, and of these you choose but one. (ACIM, T-31.VII.14:6-9)

A Course in Miracles isn’t spiritual bypassing. It’s not some fluffy comfort blanket that keeps us safe. It is about looking directly at all the dark stuff; it is about getting into the crap and sloshing around; it is not about shrinking but expanding, and this means looking directly at all those guilty feelings that we’ve been doing our best to avoid.

This is called forgiveness. Our guilt is buried deeply within our subconscious and we need to bring it up to the surface and look at it directly. It also means we need to connect with the Holy Spirit, and this is the same as joining with the peace in our minds.

It doesn’t seem feasible to allow silence and stillness to arise as life implodes around us, but this is what we have to do. A Course in Miracles teaches us to respond to everything from a place of peace.

This is how we dissolve our guilt and finally awaken We literally look at our pain and laugh out loud.

Laughter is always the best medicine. If we feel that life is getting too burdensome, don’t blame the body but have a chuckle instead. After all, the body is just a grievance that we hold in ours minds


73/ Trembling Hands

6th January 2025

“The final mystery is oneself.” Oscar Wilde.

Know yourself in the One Light where the miracle that is you is perfectly clear. (ACIM, T-3.V.10:9)


Lesson 73. I will there be light. Yesterday. It was quite easy to repeat the idea every hour (I didn’t seem to have a grievance about that), although every half hour did seem to be a little more problematic. We were also asked to close our eyes and wait for an answer and, at times, this made me resentful. A minute could seem like a long time. Today. There are nice simple instructions for the extended practice, which I did just a few minutes ago. We were asked to will in the light and, periodically, I found that great waves of thought would fill my mind. Clearly, thinking was the darkness that smothered any chance of achieving the goal of the lesson.

We are witnesses to our own reality. What we see is shaped by our beliefs.

The body, by definition, is isolated and fallible. The world we see adores strong bodies but it becomes inevitable that the strength of all bodies will fail before crumbling into dust.

And to believe in spirit goes against all the world’s thinking. The body is even killed for it. Therefore, to start believing in what the eyes can’t see is not down to changing anything in the world but down to changing what arises in the mind.

Jesus has given us A Course in Miracles in order to enable us to know ourselves as the Christ. Christ is changeless. It has nothing to do with the body just as the day has nothing to do with the night.

We either apply ourselves fully to this new way of seeing, or we don’t do it at all. Jesus does not tell us this as a threat; he is merely acting like an older brother who is concerned for our welfare.

A Course in Miracles tells us that love is always complete and can never be incomplete. The world we see reflects only fear until we allow the words of Jesus to calm our trembling hands.

Your witnessing demonstrates your belief, and thus strengthens it. Those who witness for me are expressing, through their miracles, that they have abandoned the belief in deprivation in favor of the abundance they have learned belongs to them. (ACIM, T-1.IV.4:7-8)


74/ Sonship Is One

7th January 2025

“We have to do the best we are capable of. This is our sacred human responsibility.” Albert Einstein.

The sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself. (ACIM, T-2.V.5:1)


Lesson 74. There is no will but God’s. Yesterday. When I really think about it, willing light - the purpose of yesterday’s lesson - has to be a complete reversal of our thinking. Light belongs to the thought system of the Holy Spirit and, if we can tap into that, then we have to be free of fear. I understood the process as I was doing the practice yesterday but the experience behind it (which was one of thought) kept me in the dark. Today. A few minutes ago, I was doing my first extended practice when it occurred to me that the ‘i’ that was thinking was not the ‘I’ that shares its will with God. The ‘I’ is completely abstract and non-conceptual while my little ‘i’ is always linked to the body and my own little identity. No thoughts can arise in the Self that is my ‘I’.

There’s a miracle principle at the very beginning of A Course in Miracles which states: Miracles make minds one in God. They depend on cooperation because the Sonship is the sum of all that God created. Miracles therefore reflect the laws of eternity, not of time. (ACIM, T-1.I.19:1-3)

The Sonship is who we are. This is our Identity. We are the one Son of God and our Identity has no opposite because there is no opposite. The essence of who we are is all that God created.

The miracle demonstrates that the body is not real. Miracles only deal with the mind. The mind is split between our false identity and our real Identity, and nothing can happen outside of the mind.

The ego feels it is in battle with the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit never reciprocates. The Holy Spirit is pure peace and therefore has no idea about the battle that appears to be occurring. The ego is actually just a fantasy and has absolutely no power (even though it likes to think it has).

Because we have free will, the Voice of A Course of Miracles can be identified as anything or anyone that makes us feel comfortable. Really, though, it is always the Holy Spirit - the Voice for God - while the words below might come from Jesus who is telling us that we, as the Sonship, can only be One.

The specialness of God’s Sons does not stem from exclusion but from inclusion. All my brothers are special. If they believe they are deprived of anything, their perception becomes distorted. When this occurs the whole family of God, or the Sonship, is impaired in its relationships. (ACIM, T-1.V.3:5-8)


75/ Meaning and Clarity

8th January 2025

“It’s the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet, tender joy.” Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Love has no darkened temples where mysteries are kept obscure and hidden from the sun. (ACIM, T-20.VI.4:1)


Lesson 75. The light has come. Yesterday. The lesson asked us to repeat “there is no will but God’s”; it told us that, if we have conflicting thoughts, then to remind ourselves that they are meaningless; it also explained that there was great peace in knowing this. I understood this as I was practising but, at times, my thoughts would sweep me away on great waves of emotion. All of this disguised the Love of God and it was this that I was meaning to seek. Today. The key to this lesson is simply to let go of the past. I have just finished my first extended practice and it became clear that all my thoughts were based on past fears. What I feel now is that, if I could allow them to come and go, the Holy Spirit can simply be. I have to release all judgements about them.

Love is perfect and fear is not. Perfection can have no opposite which suggests we are living a life of delusion.

A Course in Miracles starts the process of healing our deluded minds. This means looking directly at the ego which arises out of fear. And fear has only arisen because we have usurped the Love of God.

The state of Heaven is always perfect awareness and perfect oneness. This is where our true Self lies but where we believe we are not. We’ve made a world out of fear while our reality is always one of love.

This conundrum is therefore solved by the following words from the first chapter of A Course in Miracles. It is a bit like a Zen koan. We can’t quite grasp it’s significance on the first glance but, when we spend a little time with it, the true meaning will always become abundantly clear.


                                                        Perfect love casts out fear.                                                          If fear exists, then there is not perfect love.


Only perfect love exists.
If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist
. (ACIM, T-1.VI.5:4-8


76/ Beings of Light

9th January 2025

“Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.” Rabindranath Tagore.

There is no death, but there is a belief in death. (ACIM, T-3.VII.5:11)


Lesson 76. I am under no laws but God’s. Yesterday. Since beginning the Workbook, I have found it difficult to remember the theme of each lesson throughout the day without referring to what I have written down. I don’t know why but have concluded that it is because each lesson presents an entirely different way of thinking. It doesn’t make any sense to the ego, hence my poor memory. Today. This lesson has renewed my vigour. It was easy to read and simple to practise. During the extended practice just a few minutes ago, I felt I didn’t have to be concerned about getting lost in thought because, in many ways, I am always bathing in God’s Love.

We are all hugely powerful beings of light. Actually, if we took this to the nth degree, it would be correct to say that we are just the one being of light. The body has nothing to do with light at all.

The body represents darkness. It is not self-functioning because the body is led by the mind. However, if the mind knows itself as light, then the body is able to express it in the form of love.

The light in the mind is the Holy Spirit. It is a silent stillness that sits quietly and is always ready to be tapped into. Fear blocks it out but the light can never go away.

The way to listen to the Holy Spirit is not to be distracted by all the mind’s dark stuff. We have to face it and not back down. Then, when all our self-loathing is totally forgiven, it’s quite natural to return back to the realm of Heaven that is our Source.

Meanwhile, the near-death experience provides us with the proof of our spiritual home. It is a multi-faceted experience that teaches us many things, not least that we are powerful beings of light.

Vinnie Tolman’s near-death experience has taught him about authenticity. He was shown that the keys to the universe are within the mind. We all have the right to be free, to know God and to love unconditionally. We are in a body to discover truth and to allow total love to replace all our fears. 

Vinnie Tolman’s near-death experience has taught him about authenticity. He was shown that the keys to the universe are within the mind. We all have the right to be free, to know God and to love unconditionally. We are in a body to discover truth and to allow total love to replace all our fears.


77/ Whole and Healed

10th January 2025

“There is no reality except the one contained within us.” Hermann Hesse.

You are part of reality, which stands unchanged beyond the reach of your ego but within easy reach of spirit. (ACIM, T-4.I.8:5)


Lesson 77. I am entitled to miracles. Yesterday. It was pleasant to contemplate the lesson - saying to myself that I am under no laws but God’s - and this was mainly because I was out in nature for most of the day. There was snow up on the moor and the weather was cold and crisp. I felt alive and uplifted, and the day was all about enjoying life and feeling loved. Today. As the title suggests, we are told that we are entitled to miracles (because of what we are). I had to remind myself of this every time that my mind wandered off. I am not the ego; I am spirit, whole pure and innocent, and miracles are mine by right.

Peace is an attribute in you. You cannot find it outside. Illness is some form of external searching. Health is inner peace. It enables you to remain unshaken by lack of love from without and capable, through your acceptance of miracles, of correcting the conditions proceeding from lack of love in others. (ACIM, T-2.I.5:8-12)

Because we are one mind, the miracle undoes our belief in separation by healing the whole.

By definition, the miracle can’t be selective about anything. All error is meaningless and our only meaningful purpose is to negate the error and to wake up to truth. God’s Love is everywhere and anything else is a distraction that veils us from peace.

If peace is an attribute that is ours by right (as stated above), we have to forgive ourselves of the one thought that has kept us apart from that peace. We have to go within to find our hidden and most terrifying secret. It is then that we uncover what it hides

This secret, which is really nothing more than a forgotten thought, is that we have marched out of Heaven and that God has turned against us. It manifest as being utterly terrified of God’s wrath.

A Course in Miracles takes 1,300 pages and a third of a million words to explain how this happened, and how to undo it. It tells us that, by forgiving one single thought, the fear of God is gone forever. And it gives us the practice of the Workbook in order that the mind can become whole and healed.


78/ Peace at the Centre

11th January 2025

“Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds.” Louisa May Alcott.

Look through the cloud of guilt that dims your vision, and look past darkness to the holy place where you will see the light. (ACIM, T-13.X.9:6)


Lesson 78. Let miracles replace all grievances. Yesterday. The lesson told us that we are entitled to miracles. I have always felt that a peaceful mind is the greatest miracle. Whenever I have met someone with that sense of peace, I have always been in awe. Personally, it’s what I have been seeking externally since birth but now, in 2025, I feel fully invested in the internal search for peace. Today. This lesson states that any grievance we have stands like a dark shroud before the miracle. Today’s exercise was to pick one person that we held a grievance against and to try and look past the body to the face of Christ. I found that it became a merry dance between darkness and light - between grievances and the miracle. Thoughts came and went very quickly.

The Atonement is the only defense that cannot be used destructively because it is not a device you made. The Atonement principle was in effect long before the Atonement began. The principle was love and the Atonement was an act of love. (ACIM, T-2.II.4:1-3)

Jesus reminds us in the second chapter of A Course in Miracles that he can’t do anything for us if we are fearful. However, he can take the conditions away that allow fear to arise (ACIM, T-2.VI.4:1-4).

The problem is, we think we are the body but we’re not the body; we assume that fear has a cause but we don’t know what it is; and we feel that life can hurt us but don’t see that this is our thoughts.

What Jesus wants us to do is to step aside from all this false belief and ask him for a solution.

Even if a storm is raging around us, there is always absolute peace at its centre. Likewise with the mind, and a summary of all we need to know can be found in the words below. Basically, Jesus is telling us that fear does not exist and, if we think it does, then all we are doing is denying God’s Love.

Know first that this is fear. Fear arises from lack of love. The only remedy for lack of love is perfect love. Perfect love is the Atonement.                                                                            (ACIM, T-2.VI.7:5-8)


79/ Resistance to Truth

12th January 2025

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” Omar Khayyam.

Now” has no meaning to the ego. The present merely reminds it of past hurts, and it reacts to the present as if it were the past. (ACIM, T-13.IV.5:1-2)


Lesson 79. Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved. Yesterday. The lesson showed me that any grievance is merely a thought that blocks the miracle. As I contemplate this, it does feel as if I need a miracle even to be slightly peaceful. Indeed, being lost in thought accurately describes how I spend my day. Today. This lesson reminds us that there is only one problem and this is our separation from God. Obviously, the problem manifests in billions of different ways and this was apparent just a few minutes ago. My meditation ended with an absurd (imagined) argument that was just another expression of the one single problem.

Only the mind is capable of illumination. Spirit is already illuminated and the body in itself is too dense. The mind, however, can bring illumination to the body by recognizing that it is not the learner, and is therefore unamenable to learning. (ACIM, T-2.V.6:3-5)

There is light and there is darkness, but the darkness is only imagined. Nothing about it is real. When a light shines on the darkness, it can only disappear.

Whenever we are feeling fearful, it could be defined as being in darkness. There are no rules to being in the darkness - everything is always random and chaotic - but there are rules to being in the light. The first one is that we are spirit and the second is the certainty that only truth exists.

Truth would show us that only the eternal lasts forever and, since the body is a temporary object in time and space, then it is impossible for the body to be eternal. This in itself should make us fearful.

The light can’t help by ridding the mind of fear because that would be tampering with the basic law of cause and effect. It is always our responsibility to dig deep into the fear, allowing the Holy Spirit to heal our minds of the belief in separation. This is the same as saying we bring darkness to the light.

A Course in Miracles is the path of awakening to love. By applying ourselves to the lessons in the Workbook, we can at least prepare the mind for change. Light will always enter darkness the moment that we allow it to, and all that it asks is that we forgive ourselves of our resistance to truth.


80/ Presence of Peace

13th January 2025

“The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.” Seneca the Younger.

What could you choose between but life or death, waking or sleeping, peace or war, your dreams or your reality? (ACIM, T-27.VII.10:1)


Lesson 80. Let me recognize my problems have been solved. Yesterday. I learned that each and every problem that appears to be affecting me (without exception) is purely the result of our separation from God; the problems arise because of the belief that I am a body. Also, it occurred to me that having a ‘good’ day means I’ve escaped a ‘bad’ day. For example, yesterday was a ‘good’ day and yet my mind never seemed to be in a state of peace. Today. As I did the extended practice a few minutes ago, I noticed that thoughts would arise that I might perceive as being problems, but the one solution always remained very quiet. I fully realise that my mind has to be very peaceful to hear the Voice for God.

A Course in Miracles is constantly reminding us that we only have a choice between the ego and the Holy Spirit. The choice is firmly on our shoulders (metaphorically) and is never anywhere else.

The need to withdraw responsibility from the body and place it with the mind might not feel comfortable at first. The body always seems to act autonomously. Pain and pleasure go hand in hand and, for the body, the first is actively avoided while the second we actively seek.

We are asked to look at what the ego has given us in terms of consistency - i.e., will it continue to make us feel happy? Ultimately, whatever it is only arises from a foundation of fear. Fear is the bedrock of our belief and it is only our thinking that makes it real.

Jesus therefore asks us to go inwards to the Presence of Peace within our minds.

It is clear that thinking doesn’t allow us to do this. The ego’s use of thought constantly seeks outwards for any solution. We therefore have to commit to the training that the Workbook gives us. It is only by stepping back from the ego that we can allow the Presence of Peace to fill the mind.

You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think. (ACIM, T-2.VI.2:5-7)


81/ Everything and Nothing

14th January 2025

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” Corrie ten Boom.

It is God’s strength in you that is the light in which you see, as it is His Mind with which you think. (ACIM, W-92.3:1)


Lesson 81. Review of lessons 61 and 62. Yesterday. The goal of the lesson was to find the quiet Voice within the mind; by doing this, then answers can arise. In my experience, hearing this Voice comes without effort and in a way that I am not expecting. I find that when I am trying too hard, the ego takes over and peace can’t be heard. Today. The key to the first lesson in this review came in the initial instructions. The words ‘calm’, ‘peace’ and ‘still’ were there on the page. I felt that, by bringing any of these qualities into my consciousness, I would become the light. However, as I was practising, I had to pause twice in order to read the instructions again. Thoughts had taken over and the purpose was fading.

Nothing and everything cannot coexist. To believe in one is to deny the other. Fear is really nothing and love is everything. Whenever light enters darkness, the darkness is abolished. What you believe is true for you. (ACIM, T-2.VII.5:1-5)

There is no compromise between everything and nothing. We either know love totally or not at all.

God and His Son are everything and nothing opposes the creation of oneness. The Kingdom of Heaven is also everything but our minds are tuned into the nothingness in which we live.

A Course in Miracles tells us that we are asleep to our reality and we are dreaming of exile.

Fantasies come and go as the mind is in slumber. However, if the dream turns into a nightmare, we might be forced to awaken. Indeed, to awaken is one of the kindest choices that we can make.

The first step in awakening is the practice of non-judgement. It means being the Self that witnesses the concept of our little self. The observer becomes everything and what is observed is nothing.

Everything and nothing are our only two choices. Self-blame and abuse take us deeper into the nothingness; Self-love and awareness return us back to the everything instead.


82/ Unending Bliss

15th January 2025

“Train your mind to see something good in everything.” Buddha.

Look with peace upon your brothers, and God will come rushing into your heart in gratitude for your gift to Him. (ACIM, T-10.V.7:7)


Lesson 82. Review of lessons 63 and 64. Yesterday. The first two lessons in the review showed me that we are the light of the world. It was a beautiful image to keep in mind throughout the day. However, the difference between my morning and evening practice was palpable. In the morning, my mind felt sharp; in the evening, it was dull. Today. Having just completed the first practice of the day, I found I had to keep the book open in front of me; for some reason, I couldn’t remember the finer detail of the lesson and kept referring back to the page for the instructions. I didn’t judge myself for this which, luckily for me, is what forgiveness is all about.

The innocence of God is the true state of the mind of His Son. In this state your mind knows God, for God is not symbolic; He is Fact. Knowing His Son as he is, you realize that the Atonement, not sacrifice, is the only appropriate gift for God’s altar, where nothing except perfection belongs. (ACIM, T-3.I.8:1-3)

The innocence of God, as referred to above, means there is no judgement. God never judges and only loves unconditionally. There is no opposite to God’s Love.

The true state of mind means our authentic Self. It is the Christ that we are - the peace and quiet that exists within all of us.

God is not symbolic but a fact is a statement that might be disputed by the ego. The point of A Course in Miracles is to go beyond the ego; in truth, however, we find that there is no ego.

Knowing His Son is the whole purpose of A Course in Miracles. It is why we apply ourselves to the Workbook. Essentially, it why we follow any spiritual path.

The Atonement is total peace and has nothing to do with redemption. It is what we are. We are Love

And God’s altar is our spiritual core. It is unending bliss and this is exactly what we return to.


83/ Life Is Celebration

16th January 2025

“I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that centre within you and I am at that place within me, we shall be one.” Crazy Horse.

The Holy Spirit must work through you to teach you He is in you. (ACIM, T-7.IV.2:1)


Lesson 83. Review of lessons 65 and 66. Yesterday. I might have been a bit lax in my practice throughout the day but, if we do tend to slack, Jesus encourages us to repeat the lesson whenever we remember. He says that procrastination is more problematic than forgetfulness. So this is what I did and, since it was a day of me just looking after my mother, the only thing that stopped me was an inclination towards mind wandering. Today. It was easy to see how perception rules the split mind. As I did my first practice earlier this morning, I had to keep reminding myself of God’s function for His Son (which is peace) and this was because I was making up scenarios in my mind that were wholly motivated by the fear of the ego.

Perception did not exist until the separation introduced degrees, aspects and intervals. Spirit has no levels, and all conflict arises from the concept of levels. Only the Levels of the Trinity are capable of unity. The levels created by the separation cannot but conflict. (ACIM, T-3.IV.1:5-8)

A Course in Miracles tells us that we are perceivers rather than a creators. Perception has occurred because we appear to have lost our contact with God. The mind is therefore split between illusions and the truth.

The illusion is one of perceiving ourselves as bodies. The truth is inherent within us, showing us that we are the one Son of God. This means we are formless, perfect and always Self-creating.

The mind made up the ego and the body has become our prison. The body involves judgement, disgust and self-recrimination. However, while we appear to be in the body, it is better that we make the most of it. Life shouldn’t be about suffering. Life should be about celebration instead.

The near-death experience proves this and Randy Schiefer’s account can be heard below. He says that he now trusts in the joy of life and is much more peaceful. He sees the spiritual in everything and doesn’t worry about the small stuff. And he has absolute certainty that life goes on after death.


84/ Decision Making

17th January 2025

“The wise man must remember that while he is a descendent of the past, he is a parent of the future.” Herbert Spencer.

Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and future, which do not exist. (ACIM, T-15.I.8:2)


Lesson 84. Review of lessons 67 and 68. Yesterday. The review told me that my happiness and function are one. This makes sense to me now as I remember questioning what ‘function’ meant a couple of weeks ago. The review also stated that my function is the one God gave me and so I interpret this as being peace and love. I can conclude, then, that discovering the attributes of God has become my purpose and expressing them is my function. Today. The theme of this review is love and I like that. I have just finished sitting with the theme of “love created me like itself”. My mind didn’t want to wander too much and it felt both holistic and nurturing.

It is impossible to conceive of light and darkness or everything and nothing as joint possibilities. They are all true or all false. It is essential that you realize your thinking will be erratic until a firm commitment to one or the other is made. (ACIM, T-3.II.1:3-5)

We either commit ourselves to the ego or to the Holy Spirit. Fundamentally, this is the only decision that we can make.

The decision maker is in the mind and it is either a witness to the expansive Self or the limited self. In other words, we either see ourselves as spirit or we see ourselves as form.

Spirit does not know of pain but form does. Spirit arises from the Thought of God while form arises from the thoughts of the ego. All pain is ultimately the result of our separation from God and it is only through true forgiveness that we can undo its cause.

True forgiveness, according to A Course in Miracles, proves to the mind that nothing has happened. God is everywhere and the Kingdom of Heaven is still our home. But, until we know this and while we still believe we have a body, our reward is the real world of love and not one defined by fear.

God loves us, but we love to hate God, and the mind appears to be split between the two. As we persevere with the Workbook, we are learning to become the decision maker. This means we either decide for fear and the whims of the ego, or we decide for peace and the Love of God.


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